Far From the Madding Crowd follows Bathsheba Everdene (Carey Mulligan) who has inherited property from her deceased uncle and establishes her leadership over the farm and its workers. Meanwhile, she stirs the hearts of three prospective bachelors: Gabriel Oak (Matthias Schoenaerts), William Boldwood (Michael Sheen), and Sergeant Francis Troy (Tom Sturridge). Bathsheba must decide whether to pursue a romance with one of these three men or continue her management of the farm as a single woman.
This film does well in representing different sides of masculinity. Gabriel Oak, who shepherds on Bathsheba's farm, dedicates himself to serving Bathsheba as her worker, displaying the servanthood side of masculinity. William Boldwood, who desires a committed relationship, asks Bathsheba frequently to marry him, representing the persistent side of masculinity. Finally, there's Francis Troy, who always wants his way in relationships, representing the desire for dominance of masculinity.
The film has a great overall message for both women and men: you don't need to be married to succeed, but, if you want to marry, then your spouse should support your ambitions. Two of Bathsheba's suitors won't always have her best interests in mind, cause her stress and try to hold her back from running the farm with a firm grasp, but there's one special man who supports her the whole way through. It's important for everyone in choosing not just spouses but also close friends that the people one chooses are individuals who support their life pursuits.