Click on the picture to check out a very awesome video done by Rolando Vega! Stay tuned for more in the coming weeks.
![]() Cinemablography is abroad in Italy! We were able to send a camera along with a few students and they produced a wonderful video of their first week there. They visited sites such as Santa Croce and the Uffizi Museum. Take a look at what they are surrounded by and the activities they are participating in. We are very excited to see what else they discover and learn! Click on the picture to check out a very awesome video done by Rolando Vega! Stay tuned for more in the coming weeks. Buon Giorno!
For the next two weeks, Cinemablography is spending some relaxing time under the Tuscan sun to observe and experience the beautiful cinematic landscapes of Italy. A formal class on Italian film and its gorgeous set locations, Italian Cityscapes, is being taught by our very own Professor Fabrizio Cilento. As we delve deeper into the experience, expect more updates featuring more blog posts, pictures and even some more videos! Stay tuned for more updates. Ciao! -Rolando Vega Prometheus viral video with Noomi Rapace!Here is another viral video for Ridley Scott's Prometheus. This movie is getting more exposure every week. This viral includes a video phone call from Dr. Elizabeth Shaw, Noomi Rapace's character, to Mr. Weyland of Weyland Enterprises. Watch the video for more insight into the plot of Prometheus. This looks like one of the biggest Sci-Fi releases of the year. Did you catch some of the Yutani references? Why are Yutani and Weyland Enterprises separate entities? How much will Prometheus reveal about the evolution of the evil mega-conglomerate first starring in Alien? We'll have to wait and see...
Men in Black III: Building a Better AlienHere's a new featurette showing some of the aliens from Men in Black III. The mind behind all of the alien special effects, Rick Baker, shares his insights and experiences on the film. Watch Here: In the film industry it is hard to break out as a young filmmaker. As a 25-year-old writer, producer, director, Lena Dunham has overcome those odds. After the success of her feature film, Tiny Furniture, Dunham has become the it-girl for young and women filmmakers. At her young age, she has already done two feature films, several online videos, and is the new star, creator, writer, and director of the show Girls on HBO. In this video from PressPausePlay, Lena Dunham talks about how difficult it is as a young filmmaker to be in the film industry today. The rise of digital video is nothing new, but it is coming to a point where it is overpowering the film industry. Dunham explains that while it's great that everyone with $1500 can buy a nice video camera and shoot their own film, there is also a down side to letting just anyone be a filmmaker. As young filmmakers ourselves, we understand where Dunham is coming from. The video captured a great conversation with Dunham and is something all young filmmakers should check out. Prometheus Featurette: OriginsThis Featurette Explains some of the plot of Prometheus Lou Ferrigno voicing Hulk and other sounds in The Avengers!Did you know that Lou Ferrigno's voice is in the Hulk roar in the movie? Watch this video on the sounds of The Avengers: Prometheus, possible future coverage and viral marketing.In anticipation of the Sci-Fi section of the site that will go up later this year, the staff is doing "research" on what the best Sci-Fi movies of the year will be. We are looking very much into Prometheus by Ridley Scott. It's looking to be an amazing film! Tune in for updates on our future Sci-Fi section! Here is a viral marketing video featuring David8 the android in Prometheus. The Dark Knight RisesChristopher Nolan's The Dark Knight rises trailer is out and it's looking amazing! This summer is looking to be THE summer for superhero films! Check out the trailer here: Also, check out our Batman article where we discuss the progression of Batman from the comics to the Nolan films!
Check it out here: Batman Article I hope everyone has enjoyed the launch of Cinemablography! We are all very excited to see what the future will hold. we hope to bring more content out from our students. There are some things in the works that are very exciting! Tune in for more updates!
October 2024