There Will Be Blood, which is based on Upton Sinclair's novel Oil, revolves around Daniel Plainview played by Daniel Day-Lewis. It follows his ceaseless pursuit of oil and riches, where he shows just how far he will go to get what he wants. Daniel Day-Lewis, who would go on to work on two more of Anderson's films, plays the role of an egotistic maniac to a T, as he gives one of the most riveting performances of his career. This is saying a lot, as an article on Reuters reveals that Day-Lewis has three Oscars under his belt.
Doubtlessly informed by Greenwood's extensive use of effects throughout his career, some argue that this film's soundtrack is the Radiohead guitarist's best work to date. This may be why Greenwood has established quite the working relationship with Anderson, as Greenwood would go on to score Anderson's next films, including The Master (2012), Inherent Vice (2014), and Phantom Thread (2017). In There Will Be Blood, the eeriness of the film's score adds another dimension, as it serves as a stark contrast to the sunny and bright landscape of Southern California. This, paired with brilliant acting by Day-Lewis, is another indication that things are about to go terribly wrong.
Works cited:
Feigel, Lara. “Review: Oil! by Upton Sinclair.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 24 Feb. 2008,
Serjeant, Jill. “Triple Oscar Winner Daniel Day-Lewis Retiring from Acting.” Reuters, Thomson Reuters, 20 June 2017,