Your Name is the story of two teenagers who discover they are connected to each other beyond time and space. Mitsuha Miyamizu (Stephanie Sheh), a girl in a small rural town, and Taki Tachibana (Michael Sinterniklaas), a boy working in the middle of Tokyo, discover that they switch bodies in their sleep. Through writing notes down on their hands and in their phones, they work together to improve each other’s lives. When Taki wants to visit Mitsuha in her town, he finds everything is not how it seems, and that Mitsuha’s future is in danger. Taki and Mitsuha must work together to survive and push past all obstacles so they can finally meet in-person.
Source Cited:
Monasterio, Lucia Ortiz, "The Legend of the Red String in Japan" Faena, 6 Nov 2015,