The film is based on book of the same name that follows several characters through the span of mankind's existence, exploring how "actions and consequences of our lives impact one another throughout the past, present, and future as one soul is shaped from a murderer into a savior and a single act of kindness ripples out for centuries to inspire a revolution" (as described by the official synopsis). It is a time travel movie; it's a character study; it's about societal norms and breaking convention. Ultimately, "the main character in this movie is humanity" (/Film).
A less-obvious theme in the film is mankind's need for art, and its existence depending somewhat on the ability to communicate through storytelling -- whether books, letters, paintings, songs, or modern media. Ben Whishaw's character is an ambitious composer attempting to write a piece of music with six soloists who combine to create the Cloud Atlas sextet. Tykwer, Klimek, and Reinhold were very careful to craft a central melody which could be adapted in each era spanning 500 years; it serves as the unifying factor for these seemingly disparate story lines. The official website has an interactive feature where you can listen to each individual soloist which then reveals a painting connected to the film. Evocative and insistent, the score is a beautiful guide through the film and 500 years of human emotion.
The score was released digitally on October 23; a 23-track CD set will be available for purchase on November 6. Listen to the entire soundtrack for free, streaming on Spotify.
1. Prelude: The Atlas March
2. Cloud Atlas Opening Title
3. Travel to Edinburgh
4. Luisa’s Birthmark
5. Cavendish In Distress
6. Papa Song
7. Sloosha’s Hollow
8. Sonmi-451 Meets Chang
9. Won’t Let Go
10. Kesselring
11. The Escape
12. Temple Of Sacrifice
13. Catacombs
14. Adieu
15. New Direction
16. All Boundaries Are Conventions
17. The Message
18. Chasing Luisa Rey
19. Sonmi’s Discovery
20. Death Is Only A Door
21. Cloud Atlas Finale
22. The Cloud Atlas Sextet for Orchestra
23. Cloud Atlas End Title