Early Life
After having his first son, Cuaron, thinking his chance of being a film director was over, started working in a museum to sustain his family. One day, a visitor to the museum named Jose Luis Garcia Agraz arrived and offered Cuaron a job as a cable person on La Vispera (1982). Cuaron accepted and soon found jobs as an assistant director for several films (IMDB).
First Feature Film
Eventually, Academy-Award winning director Sydney Pollack invited Cuaron to Hollywood to shoot a film. However, the project never got off the ground and was soon cancelled. Nevertheless, Cuaron stayed in Los Angeles. A short time later, Pollack called again and invited him to shoot an episode of the series Fallen Angels (1993). Cuaron accepted and thus landed his first job in the United States.
In 1995, Alfonso signed a contract with Warner Brothers and directed his first Hollywood film, A Little Princess. Although the film didn’t do well commercially, it received two Oscar nominations for Best Cinematography and Best Art Direction/Set Decoration. Three years later, Cuaron would direct a remake of Charles Dickins’ classic novel Great Expectations. Unfortunately, the film became a nightmare for him and was not well received by audiences or critics.
Current Work
Works Cited
“M. Night Shyamalan.” The Biography Channel. 2014. 25 Sep. 2014. <http://www.biography.com/people/alfonso-cuarón-21377605>.