It has been two long years since the first season of Invincible aired in 2021, when the show seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Despite having a large comic run that spanned volumes and volumes, many had no knowledge of this franchise. This resulted in very little anticipation for the show, as its marketing was almost non-existent. Perhaps this was an advantage to the show, as it gained popularity over the internet with hundreds of clips, discussions, memes, and more, roping in millions of new fans with only eight episodes. Soon, Invincible swept the superhero genre and set a whole new standard for modern superhero media and television..
Atom Eve takes place years and years before the events of Invincible, beginning with Eve’s birth. The show sets out to establish that Mark is not the only superhero who has it rough. Fans may even be able to argue that Eve had it just as rough as Mark. We see from the beginning that her entire existence seems to be based on secrecy and lies, as she was an experiment created for a secret organization, giving her powers. She was swapped at birth to protect her from being hunted by the organization that created her, meaning her parents aren't her biological parents, which she comes to realize in the course of the episode. We watch her struggle with her identity, not being understood by her parents for her ability to comprehend atoms and being deemed “weird” by her father. She finds it hard to make friends and keep relationships. Atom Eve could very well be a relatable vessel to those with conditions or mental states that may deem them “abnormal” or “different.”
Eve’s struggle to find herself leads her down a path of discovery of her origin, how she was created, and how they have tried to replicate her powers in other creatures since her absence. Eve is forced to confront her “siblings” (failed test subjects of her ability) and fight them, forced to watch them die at her hands, and at the hands of their failed genetic makeup. Through confronting her seemingly “pseudo family,” the author is showing that Eve must also confront and accept her creation and her broken past. When she hugs her lab brother as he dies, it is her way of embracing who she truly is and what her existence means.
Invincible has been known for its immersive worldbuilding. It shows small glimpses of the larger universe to make the viewers wonder what else is out there. This show continues this trend by showing it’s a large world out there. A large world with more stories and infinite possibilities. Worldbuilding is important to make audiences feel like the world is lived in instead of feeling like an empty hub with mindless drones. To create a special to extend the story of a side character is an endeavor worthy of praise. The special did not need to be made, but the producers understood how much the world mattered to the fans and wanted to give them more. Even if it wasn’t the continuation of Mark’s story, it was an unexpected and much appreciated gift in the end.