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Articles by Category
Videographic Essays
Existentialism in Film
The Existential Philosophy of Melancholia
The Philosophy of Camus in The Dead Don't Die
The Existentialist Subtext of Dear Evan Hansen
An Existentialist Reading of "The Turin Horse"
A Woman's Perspective: Gender, and Identity in the Romanian New Wave
Film Theory Issue 1
Film Theory Issue 2
Science Fiction
Science Fiction Issue 2
Pan's Labyrinth
Kathryn Bigelow
Opening Scene
Supermarket Scene
Round Table Discussion
Our Work
Ford V. Ferrari Review
The Art of Title Design: The Beauty of Simplicity in Catch Me If You Can
The Red String of Fate: A Review of Your Name
Earth under Siege: A Review of Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters
April 27th, 2017
Giving Birth to an Evolving Franchise with Bridget Jones’ Baby
End-Times Emotions In Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
Reboots, Reboots Everywhere!
Prisoners of Hatred